Preventing Foot & Ankle Sports Injuries

Preventing Foot & Ankle Sports Injuries

The team at Foot Health Center in West Orange, NJ can help you both prevent and recover from foot & ankle sports injuries, so you can stay on your feet longer. 

5 Tips for Preventing Foot & Ankle Sports Injuries

From running to football, sports can do a number on the feet and ankles. And unfortunately, it can lead to a lot of pain, suffering, and even missed workouts, games, and competitions. With just a few tips from the Foot Health Center in West Orange, NJ, though, you can reduce your risk of sustaining foot & ankle sports injuries.

Always Warm Up

Before you jump into any workout, practice, or competition, you need to make sure you're ready. Spend a few minutes stretching your ankles, feet, and hamstrings. It’s also wise to do a brisk walk or jog to get the muscles warmed up.

Be Easy On Yourself

It can be tempting to dive straight into a workout or practice hard after you’ve had a break, but it can backfire. Always ease into your activity to condition your feet and ankles to handle it. For example, if you normally run one mile, don’t immediately push yourself to run three. Instead, work up to it.

Watch Where You Run

Many people enjoy running on hills, as it’s a great workout. If you fit in this category, be sure to give yourself breaks between runs and be extra careful when you’re coming back down. Also, limit how often you run on uneven terrain.

Choose Your Shoes Wisely

It’s important that you wear shoes made for your feet and your activities. And replace them as they begin to wear down. You should also consider getting custom orthotics, as they ensure you have the proper support for your unique feet.

Pay Attention to Yourself

If you notice pain or anything that prevents you from performing normally, you need to take a break. And a visit to our foot and ankle specialist can determine the cause of the pain and help you get back on your feet more quickly.

Let our team at Foot Health Center in West Orange, NJ help with your foot & ankle sports injuries by calling (973) 731-1266 to schedule an appointment.

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