How to Care For Your Feet After A Diabetes Diagnosis

How to Care For Your Feet After A Diabetes Diagnosis

If you've recently received a diabetes diagnosis, you probably have many questions about how it will affect your health. One of the last things on your mind might be how diabetes affects your feet. Unfortunately, diabetics who don't take care of their feet are at high risk for foot infections and skin ulcers. Learn more about diabetic care in West Orange, NJ by contacting the Foot Health Center.

How Diabetes Affects Your Feet

As a diabetic, the smallest cut, bug bite, or blister anywhere on your feet can lead to serious problems. Diabetes generally causes neuropathy, which is a nerve condition that frequently leads to numbness in the feet and hands. The condition also disrupts the healing process by restricting circulation. For this reason, diabetic care in West Orange, NJ should include proper foot care.  

Simple Steps To Protect Your Feet

Diabetics should make inspecting their feet a part of their daily routine. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about half of people with diabetes have nerve damage that affects their hands and feet. So, you should check your feet daily for:

  • Sores, cuts, blisters, ingrown toenails
  • Sudden changes in temperature (feet suddenly become hot or cold)
  • Swelling, pain, or signs of infection
  • Dry, cracking skin
  • Athlete's foot or rashes
  • Calluses or corns

Experts recommend you use lukewarm water when you wash your feet and use a soft towel when drying between your toes. Also, use a moisturizer that will prevent your feet from cracking and drying (avoid applying any lotion between your toes).

As a person living with diabetes, you'll need to take care of your toenails. If you can reach your toes without struggling, cut them straight across, then gently file the edges with a smooth emery board. Avoid rounding the corners of your toenails since it can increase the likelihood of developing ingrown toenails. If you need assistance, the team at the Foot Health Center can trim your toenails, calluses, or corns.

It is vital to schedule a comprehensive foot exam for diabetic care in West Orange, NJ. As a newly diagnosed person with diabetes. Call (973) 731-1266 to set up an appointment with one of our podiatrists at the Foot Health Center

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